Guard Your Life

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A Message from the Kalever Rebbe
Parshas Re'eh 5784

Guarding your eyes is guarding your life

Building of the mineral springs in Carlsbad

Building of the mineral springs in Carlsbad

"You shall neither make any baldness between your eyes for the dead". (Devarim 14:1)

What's more dangerous?

There are fresh mineral springs in the town of Carlsbad, that have certain healing properties, and can help with specific physical ailments. The springs surround an area where people who drink the water can run or do other calisthenics to help the waters move throughout the body.

R' Meir Simchah from Devinsk was once advised to visit these springs. After he drank the water, he started running around the exercise area. However, he was running along the edge, and there was a steep cliff on the other side. People asked him why he was running dangerously close to the edge. And, he answers, "Running in the middle is far more dangerous! There are so many people there and there is a real risk that I might see something that is forbidden!"

Seeing promiscuous, illicit and inappropriate images damages the sanctity of the soul. However, this also harms the physical body. It distorts one's mind and leads them to make poor decisions. There is an additional unique danger. When someone does not protect themselves from seeing inappropriate images, they lose the merit of that protection from Above and they become vulnerable to bodily harm and illness.

The summer focus

The Binah L'Itim (Darush 24) taught that this is the reason that we learn Pirkei Avos throughout the summer months. The summer is a time when people travel to places for vacation to relax and rejuvenate themselves physically. However, this is also a time when we need to take care of our souls through learning mussar. Only by addressing the wellness of the body and soul can both be healed.'

The Beis Yisroel taught, in the name of his father, the Imrei Emes, that the summer months of Taamuz and Av are times that one should focus on guarding their eyes. Taking care of the body and soul are interrelated. Therefore, when people travel to places to recharge their physical bodies they need to also focus on their soul's well-being by protecting what they see.

The Beis Yisroel then added, that Chazal taught (Bava Metzia 107b) that Rav went to a cemetery and saw that 99 percent of those buried there died from an "evil eye." This, explained Rav, is the meaning of the pasuk in Devarim (7:15), And the Lord will remove from you all illness... Meaning, "evil eye" which brings all of the illness.

The Beis Yisroel explained the words of Rav, that when someone sees evil and inappropriate things, he has an "evil eye", and this removes his protection from Above and he becomes susceptible to physical illnesses.

Meriting Longevity

The pasuk taught (Devarim 32:10), He protected them as the pupil of His eye... The Tiferes Shlomo explained, that just as someone guards their eyes, Hashem protects and saves them from danger, as it says in Shmuel I (2:9), he feet of His pious ones He will guard...

Similarly, the Tiferes Shlomo explained, that the Torah teaches (Devarim 33:28), And Israel dwelled safely and alone (Ayin-eye) as Jacob [blessed them] ... When you guard yourself from seeing images you should not, you dwell safely in Hashem's protection from Above.

Being careful to guard your eyes is a challenge and a struggle. However, that struggle and strenuous efforts one might go to safeguard his power of sight, merits that Hashem protects him from other physical struggles and challenges.

Guarding your eyes also leads to meriting longevity. It says in Tehilim (119:37) taught, Turn away my eyes from seeing vanity; with Your ways sustain me... The Ibn Ezra explained, that by protecting your eyes, you will be sustained for longevity.

The letter "Ayin"

There are many people who are suffering from illnesses. People are struggling with their livelihoods. Now, when we see this suffering, is a time that we must focus on strengthening our commitment to guarding our eyes.

The Gemara (Taanis 8b) relates, that there was once both a famine and plague in the Jewish community. And, the community did not know which one should take precedence in their prayers. R' Shmuel ben Nachmani said that they should daven for food since a blessing for food would only apply to the living. Subsequently, the plague would also cease.

The Koshnitzer Maggid expounded upon this idea. When the Heavens decree that one should die from famine (מות רעב), a tzaddik should daven that the letter "Ayin" should be removed from Raav (famine) and placed in the word Maves, death, thereby spelling מעות רב-abundant wealth. By increasing wealth, both challenges get solved.

It says in Tehilim (33:18), Behold the eye (Ayin) of the Lord is to those who fear Him, to those who hope for His kindness...Hashem given the Ayin to the tzaddikim to transform a plague, to rescue their soul from death and to sustain them in famine (ibid 33:19). They can nullify a decree of famine and death.

The Imrei Noam taught, that one who fears Heaven protects their eyes from seeing inappropriate images (Chanukah ). For, the eyes have a unique connection to the Creator and they should not be used to violate His Will. Therefore, the letter Ayin which means "eye" can be used to create מעות רב-abundant wealth.

Merit a healthy life

Our pasuk is alluding to this very idea. You shall neither make any baldness between your eyes for the dead.; meaning do not cut and remove the letter Ayin from the word מעות and allow that word to revert to מות-death.

This is alluded to in our parshah which is always read during a time of the year when we need to be particularly careful about guarding our eyes. People are still on vacation. Others are returning to work and the workplace is not an exception. You need to guard your eyes from seeing inappropriate images. You need to protect yourself from being exposed to the risks presented by technology.

Our pasuk provides encouragement for increasing our awareness and being diligent to protect our eyes. And, everyone who works on this concept should merit a long and healthy life.

